Parsnip, Potato, Persimmon Potage

Parsnip, Potato, Persimmon Potage

A potage incorporates the vegetables (and/or meat) one has on hand, and today, a cold, gray one, I considered that a comfort dish like a fresh potage would not only satisfy but help me clean through my kitchen.
In my fridge I had a fresh pound of parsnips and some lingering rutabagas. My pantry proffered a handful of small red-skinned potatoes, some shallots, garlic and good olive oil. And a glance at my windowsill reminded me that one of the persimmons I’d plucked last month was finally seriously ripe.

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Cheesy, Garlicky Potato Soup with a Tiny Chile Kick

Cheesy, Garlicky Potato Soup with a Tiny Chile Kick

On days when a comfort dinner is needed or simply desired, soup often fits the bill. It warms us when we're cold, soothes us when we're sick. It just feels good going down. I've been on a potato tear lately, craving them all the time and in every which way: mashed, get my drift. Next step: soup!

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Cheesy Mashed Potato Puffs

Cheesy Mashed Potato Puffs

One day, I bought some russets and boiled them up, planning to make mashed potatoes. But I realized I wasn't much in the mood for plain old mashed spuds so took a left turn. Into the mash went grated Gruyere, crumbled bacon, scallions and some buttermilk. The idea of puffs was running through my mind, so I mashed (heh!) the potato mixture into a ziploc, cut off the corner and played around with griddling these as well as baking-then-broiling them. 

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Salmon, Rosemary-Rubbed Side of, with Roasted Potatoes, Parsnips and Mushrooms

Salmon, Rosemary-Rubbed Side of, with Roasted Potatoes, Parsnips and Mushrooms

This recipe was in the Dec 2010 Bon Appétit and is absolutely divine. I once omitted the parsnips and just added more potatoes and the dish was still fabulous so feel free to be flexible. I've never served this on salad greens but tend to serve the veggies around the salmon on a large platter; you can garnish with rosemary sprigs if you want. Also, the wine deglazing is nice but not necessary, so if you don't have any red wine open or you don't want to open a bottle, just skip this. The salmon is so moist that no one will miss the wine drizzle.

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