Pie, Mardi Gras cauliflower, Day o' Cooking has commenced

Although those devilish youths woke us up before 6am again this morning, they are now at T's parents' house until tomorrow! They were excited, we were excited. Total win-win. It is a stunningly beautiful day, and I'm awash with glee over the fact that I'll get to enjoy hours upon hours of cooking, gardening, quiet, hanging with my husband and also time alone as we both complete projects we want and need to do. Thrilling!

The pie turned out wonderfully last night- it exuded homemadeness in every way which I think is great. T had three large slices which I'll take as his approval!

Earlier, I ran out to get some asparagus at a farmers market I don't usually attend and happened upon some fragrant strawberries and these gorgeous cauliflower. They remind me of Mardi Gras so I had to get both. Off to the races. If only I could get T's fancy-pants music system to work, things would be perfect.