Coconut Cream Pie & Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce

Last night's cake was so pretty, but I subbed fine cornmeal for the called-for polenta, and the resulting corn'iness was too pronounced for my taste. And I love corn. Just not what I was expecting although it'd be great with a summer berry compote. Alas, as it is something like 11 horrid degrees here today, a summer berry compote is not to be. No worries! I'd devoted today to cooking -yay!- and started by making my spectacular coconut cream pie. We won't touch it until tomorrow, but it's a perfect pie and will be well worth waiting for.

Let's give a shout out to natural light. It may be cold today but the sunlight is streaming through my windows. Natural light is a photographers best free friend!

I also made a big sack of homemade bread crumbs (all the better to coat Valentine's Day Chicken Kiev), cleaned an enormous bunch of purple mustard greens which are so mustardy that I felt I'd been sniffing wasabi powder (love that freshness!) and cooked some of Marcella Hazan's renowned tomato sauce with onion and butterfor the kids' dinner tonight. 

Where the hell has this been all my life? Liz Larkin, if you're reading this, you are surely wondering what rock I've been under. Four ingredients and to.die.for. Photo later after their meal!

Happy Father's Day, Farmers Market haul

Happy Dad day to all you fathers, uncles, gramps, mentors and big brothers out there. The kids made Tom cards, and we brought him coffee and the paper in bed. Then, he took a long bike ride while the boys and I went to the farmers market. Summer is definitely in swing, and the produce is a feast for the eyes. I bought a flat of strawberries and a huge bag of rhubarb, some broccolini, pattypan and regular summer squash, wax beans, sugar snap peas and a gorgeous bunch of chioggia beets. Also, because my NM friend, Laura, has written often about Lambs Quarters but I've never seen them out here, I was psyched to see and immediately bought a bunch this morning. See below!

Yesterday, I bought pluots and black velvet apricots. If you haven't already inferred, I have major plans to make lots o jam this week!

I also made a batch of Grilled Pizza Dough a la Peter Reinhart, and damnation is the coconut cream pie magnificent.

Snarky but seriously

Why hasn't Krystal Ball changed her name? Why did her parents name her that? Why are people such flipping idiots in parking garages?

Why does anyone still listen to John McCain?

Hah, Eric Cantor! But David Brat? Scary!

Brava Italia!

Did anyone else receive the recent Restoration Hardware mailing? AKA tonnage drop-off? Ridiculous.

Dinner was fabulous: plank-grilled salmon alongside caramelized fennel, leeks and oranges. Delish! I made a coconut cream pie too, because Tom loves it, and it's better if you make and then let it rest overnight. Naturally, he has already jumped in, but I'm gonna wait. So what'd I do? I had vanilla ice cream with leftover chocolate caramel on top. Insanely good.

Today was, in other news, the sort of day which culminates in my feeling like both excellent and failed mom. I was enthusiastic, loving, patient teacher, fair negotiator. Yet too I was angry and I lost it round about 5p, tired of whining that sounded spoiled and bratty, worried that despite my best efforts, I'm the cause of such behavior.

It makes sense to me that when we love others as much as we love our children, it's hard not to give all we can, perhaps even more. But is such giving always a means to the right end?

When Oliver had a cow about the color of his camp water bottle, it felt so inane as to not be believed. I know he is but five, but I blamed myself and Tom for much of his ridiculous behavior. Did we ask too many questions, offer too many choices, indulge too many preferences? I know that I always want my children to feel that their interests and opinions have been taken seriously, have been respected and considered! But crap, I know I've also tried to instill a sense of gratitude and humility in them, and when it seems to be gone like the wind, I am flummoxed.

Ol and I made up. Of course we did, but I have Foxy and a few other treasures in a bag in my bedroom being held for ransom: change of behavior or else. Latitude is one thing. Free rein is another!

So although it's easier to go for the quick and heart-warming bright-eyed smile, I'm going to continue to try my damnedest to hold out and think long term.