My baby heads off to camp; the dog is in the doghouse again

Oliver recovered just in time to start camp this morning, and boy was he excited. It was darling- he beamed the whole ride there. Exhausted upon pick-up and sleeping soundly now, he nonetheless has already started asking to go back, and “why not today?” Too cute.

I gotta say that this felt like a bigger moment than I’d expected. Going to school or camp that is not Mommy-and-Me is so big and brave for these little honeys but also for us. I was a tad emotional as I walked away from his room.

I then came home and slept so deeply that when I woke up, I didn’t know where I or Oliver was. Think I needed the rest?
Meanwhile, in anticipation of Mom bringing Jack home tomorrow, and one of my best-ever friends arriving tomorrow night, Tom water-vacuumed the basement this morning because over the weekend, Percy peed on the couch, again. I took him for a good walk this morning, and when I got home with O, I found that Percy had struck again. It is moments like these that make me seriously reconsider my love for Percy. Eff!