Is anyone familiar with the flowering plant, Coral Bells, or Heuchera? They are one of m

Is anyone familiar with the flowering plant, Coral Bells, or Heuchera? They are one of my favorite perennials and do so well in our area (DC, zone 6/7). Additionally, they come in a huge range of leaf coloration so you can combine multiple types in your yard providing consistency yet diversity.

This first pic is my newest Coral Bell, Berry Smoothie. I thought its magenta leaves were totally magnetic and an earthy way to liven things up, introduce a little spiciness into the yard. The second pic is a pan shot of 1/3 of the yard -please ignore all dead grass due to lingering wood piles; this part is mostly shade so I’ve spent the last few years nurturing shade-tolerant or shade-prefering perennials (better bang for your buck, peeps!). The azaleas remind me of Louisiana, snapdragons are one of my favorite, favorite blossoms, and you might be able to discern the various Coral Bells that pepper the yard.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, gardening is a balm for the soul.