Yoga!!! Dinner solo tonight!!!

Peeps, I think I might feel as strongly about flow yoga as the ultimate work-out/mind-clearer/zen-bringer as I do about an intensive nannying experience being a terrific form of birth control (if you really do this, you will not have a baby until you are ready, 99% of the time). What would I do without my Saturday flow class?! Aah. Today I managed a lengthy headstand as well as a full split in both directions. Whoo-hoo!

Tonight, Tom is heading to a high school reunion party; I am opting to have a solo lady night and cannot wait. I really think that a night alone a week is a delightful treat. I’m already noodling on what wine I’m going to imbibe, what reading I’m going to enjoy and actually, perhaps, finish, and what delicious meal I’m going to make for myself. I am still trying to decide on the lemon vs. chocolate pie but am leaning towards lemon meringue. That just sounds so light and wonderful. Will keep you posted and will even share this pie recipe even though it is a family treasure!