A heck of a sandwich; food news

Em-i-lis' Apple, Bacon, Caramelized Red Onion Sandwich with Arugula-Thyme Spread. Fantastic photograph by James Ransom of Food52.

Em-i-lis' Apple, Bacon, Caramelized Red Onion Sandwich with Arugula-Thyme Spread. Fantastic photograph by James Ransom of Food52.

Friends, I am delighted to see that my Apple, Bacon, Caramelized Red Onion Sandwich with Arugula-Thyme Spread was chosen as a Community Pick on Food52. I thought it was good, but one never knows. So, thank you!

If you only know me here, online, you might think I'd been on cooking strike as of late. In short, I have not. Just busy, busy -did I tell you we have a squirrel family in our attic? a presumed cannibal fish?- and keeping things simple. And yet, isn't that often the best kind of cooking?

Applesauce, pan upon pan of roasted fall vegetables, chili verde...hearty comfort food to the max.

roasted fennel is soo good. so are roasted parsnips.

roasted fennel is soo good. so are roasted parsnips.

roasted celery root and romanesco broccoli with a little pimento

roasted celery root and romanesco broccoli with a little pimento

I already miss peaches and good tomatoes, but this stuff is pretty delicious too. Hope y'all are eating well.

In the news...

Restaurant review a'coming tomorrow, but yesterday was a good day and today a damn busy one. In the news, in short order:

I taught a terrific Canning 101 class at Strosniders. We made my Apple, Pear and Lemon Thyme Jam; those who stayed to chat after class ended got to take home all the leftovers. Fun!
Thanks to everyone who came and to Strosniders for having me back. 

I had another essay, The Sweetest Traditions Are Often the Simplest, published on The Huffington Post. Exciting!

And, a sandwich I recently created - was nominated for a community pick on Food52. Want to eat some seasonal deliciousness for lunch this week? Make this: Apple, Bacon, Caramelized Red Onion Sandwiches with Arugula-Thyme Spread. I thought it was so good that as soon as I finished the first, I made a second one and ate that too.