The best laid plans...

Well, no one wandered into my bed last night, but I did end up sleeping with Jack in his. Besieged my growing pains in one of his ankles and lower leg, his cries woke me up around 11pm. After I gave him some medicine, he asked me to lay with him for a bit and the rest is history. 37 years old and I've just slept in a twin bed two nights in a row. My back was in revolt this morning though it was a sweet bit of slumber with Mr. J. Growing pains can really blow! Last night before dinner, T was folding laundry and Ol asked, "Daddy, why are you always doing the laundry?" Tom looked confused and said, "do you mean right now?" "No, Daddy, always!" replied Ol, and T proceeded to tell him that while he hates putting the tupperware away, he doesn't mind folding clean clothes. Meanwhile, I'm at the stove smiling to myself because let's hear it for modern men! And it's not like I was eating bon bons in repose.

The boys have been at gymnastics camp since 9, and the house is so eerily quiet and still. I exercised, went to the pet store, had to -literally- tear myself away from the cat adoption area after playing with them all and dying for another one, bought some pet toys and have since cleaned, written thank you notes and thrown out huge quantities of treasures, aka trash, that the boys have squirreled away since Monday afternoon. Tiny hoarders they both are!

Percy has been chewing on his new Kong for two hours and just left a mound of frothy yak all over my newly clean carpet. Thanks, Percy. It's always something.

If y'all have been concerned about Nutmeg's tipping the scales at nearly 16 pounds, he is a newly svelte feline. It takes months off (I say months because he's not even two and thus years would be ridiculously incorrect)- he looks so young. Presently, he's stalking my ankles because we've only played for about half of today. Jesus you pets. I love you but you're not my children. But I think they think they are.

I'm going to the market, still in disbelief that it's not yet time to pick up the boys. Is this is what school days are like? I don't remember!