Em-i-lis redesign: want your input!

Dearest Readers, Happy Monday! As was the case last July after BlogHer '13, I'm home now (from BlogHer '14) full of inspiration and empowered enthusiasm. For a long while, I've been musing about an Em-i-lis redesign; same content, same feel, but upgraded and updated.

I know I want a better recipe management system so that recipes can be posted in multiple categories (ex: salads and mains...) as well as a way to better highlight photographs. What I'd like to know, before embarking on this exciting yet time-consuming project, is what you'd like. What do you enjoy and wish to remain the same? What could be better? A reader recently told me she found it hard to search for recipes, so I've updated the search so that you can search by post OR recipe. Great suggestion, and I was grateful. So, let me know. What would make your reading experience better? Easier? How does the site transition to your mobile devices?

Quite a few of you seem to prefer contacting me directly (versus leaving comments). Of course that is great, and if you'd like to shoot me an email or DM via Twitter or Facebook, feel free. Otherwise, please leave any and all of your ideas in the comment section here.

Many thanks!! Em-i-lis