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Friends, I do believe you can imagine how dismayed I was yesterday when I called T and Ol from Dallas (en route home) to find that Oliver had come down with a fever and thus wouldn't be going to school today. When Jack and I finally walked in our front door last night (after the most ridiculous cab ride home from the airport during which the driver took us the wrong way twice) at 9p, T gently and apologetically reminded me that he was leaving town today, returning Saturday. The dismay reached a critical point that I'd call WTF depressed. I took a whole Ambien and slept in the basement.

A girl's gotta do...

The house is a wreck, and it was all I could do to cobble together a bag lunch for Jack to take on his field trip today. Oliver is watching TV (I think there will be a lot of that today), and I'm sucking coffee like it's my life-source. That's all I've got for you right now. Don't even get me started on House Repubs.