Wow food

I am not going to lie. Today was overall good but it was also real long; I believe it was 2pm when I averred that when the clock struck 5, a cocktail would be mine. Mon dieu! T suggested I hit the gym which was sage advice and so I did. Though I don't run much anymore, doing so is, on occasion, profoundly therapeutic. I just pounded that treadmill and pounded it some more. Then I bought more mulch because mulching my yard is as curative as was the run. Here's the finished product of the lunchtime pizza, by the way... Good, but would have benefited from some additional, non-Asiago cheese, like smoked mozzarella.

In and around various iPad battles, Pentago wins and losses, bike rides and so forth, I stewed down a strawberry-rhubarb puree with the grand plan of a French yogurt cake with a straw-rhu swirl + leftovers for yogurt and general snacking. Additionally, I made plans for dinner: smoked chicken with kale pesto; and my Blue Duck-inspired Crispy Brussels sprouts. Scrumptious! Perfectly satisfying! Happifying! A wonderfully fresh and lovely end to this Easter day.