Such a fun afternoon- go DC Food 52ers

For the past several hours, I've been at my first-ever cookie swap. Hosted by Mrs. Wheelbarrow of canning and preservation renown, it was the annual DC Food52 fete, and it was such a fun afternoon. I caught up with some folks I've met in the past and got to meet others with whom I've only emailed. It's funny to feel you know people in a way, via their recipes and handles. CalendarGirl! CookbookChick! EmilyC! Great to see/meet you in the flesh! I brought home my share of the cookies, and the kids, T and I just enjoyed a major tasting of these beautiful treats. Nothing like dessert before dinner! Fun, fun!

DC Food52 Cookie Swap spoils!

Meanwhile, this monstrosity -courtesy of my eldest at a holiday fest yesterday- makes me wanna barf!