No to cake, yes to homemade pita

The gramps invited the boys over for a few hours. This was a marvelous treat, and we've still got some time left. Aah. As T doesn't need cake, and the boys aren't here, I decided to nix the king cake idea and go instead in a different direction: homemade pita. I feel that it's exceptionally hard to find a good and fresh commercial pita, probably because traditionally they were eaten hot off the stone or out of the oven, not meant to have much of a shelf-life. I recalled that my friend, Cynthia, the terrific bread-maker had recently posted on her blog, The Solitary Cook, about making pita, so I went back and located her recipe and instructions. C swears that I will succeed in this, and that her recipe, which she acquired from another friend, Linda, is the best and foolproof. I like it. So far, it's not difficult, and at present our dough is rising ; 'll let you know how it goes.