New recipes posted, spinach pie good cold, out tonight

Although you're having the best time with your hubby, enjoying your little celebration and a great wine, it is tough to be at your best and brightest the morning after a 15% alcohol red. Fortunately, I have not, in any way related to intelligence, had to be "on" this morning. Heh. I have been a task-completing machine though, and it's been nice. I hung a fresh garland on our front porch railing, sent off some more cards, got out the advent calendar, grocery shopped, finally bought a bin for corralling Oliver's artwork from school, walked Percy, and so forth. Nice. I also just enjoyed leftover spinach pie- it was luke-cool (vs luke-warm; I think this is a word T and I made up but it is useful) but delicious nonetheless. Kinda liberating to find a dish that is good at all temps. I posted that recipe as well as the one for the warm butternut salad I made on Monday. Yum! Tonight I'm heading out to a school event and am leaving Tom to (hopefully) finish up the remaining TG leftovers.