New recipes posted, apologies if you experienced site outage

Hello! I have just posted the recipes for the Buttermilk Plum Cake and Aunt Renee's Applesauce. As well, my apologies if you experienced trouble accessing Em-i-lis earlier. We host the site here at home and had to turn our power off while T rewired an electrical box to the deck.

Presently, Jack is obsessing about cowboy gear- we tried to do our best with the clothes he has but damn if he doesn't look just like the preppiest little honey you ever saw. His plaid shirt and brown belt just aren't rugged in any way. Heck, his jeans don't even look western. I asked him about the Sunday switch from policeman, and he replied "well, cowboys also have guns and holsters." I said, "they carry weapons to protect their herds. Does that change your opinion of cowboys at all?" He said, "yes, but I still want to dress up like one." I need to find a cowboy hat...