Mornings spent with girlfriends

I really cannot tell you how lovely and invigorating it is to spend a morning with a group of female friends. As I've written about in the past, I love and need a fair amount of alone time; but a few hours with dear friends or those you've spent every Thursday morning for the past 2+ years with (go Pilates gals!) provides something that I think all women, but perhaps especially those who are ensconced in family life seemingly 24-7, benefit from and feel fulfilled and rejuvenated by. I know such is true for me, and I'm very grateful for the communities of women that I've met, been welcomed by and become a part of since moving to D.C.  Cheers ladies. Did anyone see the news that DC folks might get snow tomorrow? Say what? I'm betting against  it but we'll see.

Does anyone else not have the Halloween costumes ready? I really need to get on the "owange ghostie with black on it" for Mr. O. Hmm. I see some sort of quick costume improv in my near future. I do have fabric but a) do not sew, b) do not intend to learn to sew, and c) think O probably doesn't much care how terrifically his ghostie costume ultimately is. Thank goodness for that. J is, on the other hand, very prepared to be a cowboy.

Tonight: King salmon, Moroccan carrot and raisin salad, something else TBD. The broccoli recipe from last night is posted. I'll get on the stick and post the cheesecake in a bit.