Look at these lettuces!!!

Oh my gosh, y'all, I am beside myself about once again being able to eat from my yard. Look at this beautiful array of greens; they are literally a'glow! I plucked them from my garden (seriously local, eh?!), rinsed and spun them and then dressed them with that wonderfully spicy new olive oil I bought at Union Market last week, some salt and lemon juice. A bit of avocado here, some tomatoes there, a side of Meadowcreek Grayson cheese and crackers... Couldn't have been fresher, healthier or tastier! Happy Earth Day! www.em-i-lis.com

I had a lovely, productive day: fully cleaned the fridge, like scrubbed every bit of it until each gleamed; made four tart crusts and did most of the shopping for the baby shower I'm catering on Saturday; made some double ginger-mango jam (my newest creation!); got a haircut; got the lowdown on school from the boys; admired J's math homework and helped Ol with his research project on the robin; just called it a day and ordered Cafe of India take-out and poured a glass of wine.

What'd you do today? Whatcha eatin' right now? Thanks to everyone who wrote in such supportive, "me too!" response to my post on Flow as well as all ye who so enthusiastically commented on my Earth Day thoughts. Yes, I still love and appreciate you even when you comment not on this site but in private emails, texts and so forth. Outstanding!