Like an Alka Seltzer

Y'all, I am positively effervescent right now. I am literally off my head with enthusiasm about the schedule that will be my life in much of the foreseeable future. The kids are happily at camp, the same camp, which means one drop-off, one pick-up, same hours. As I enumerated yesterday, I will have six, SIX, 6, seis, sei hours to myself each day of the work week. SIX HOURS!! Can you hear me friends in Australia? Because I am shouting this from the hilltops. Today has been heavenly. I walked the boys in to camp to meet their counselors, and then I hung out for a leisurely 20 minutes with two of my favorite friends who happened to be in the parking lot near my car. Realizing I didn't have to do or be anywhere, I then called a friend and we spoke, without interruption(!), for half an hour. 30 g-damn minutes! Say what???

I went to the market, got gas, made my way home. I scurried around doing laundry and cleaning until I realized that no more am I on a 2¾-hour time clock. I stopped, took a breath, turned on some Motown-era tunes (the best music in the world), danced a bit and donned my cooks hat (figuratively).

I cooked a delicious meal for the grands: chicken with capers, oregano and white wine; Moroccan carrot and raisin sald; fruit salad; blackberry pie. Strawberry-lavender muffins are in the oven now. I switched the laundry, ran the dishwasher and realized I still had HOURS left. I decided to finally deal with the somewhat-mess that is my pantry. I went to the Container Store people, and still, I did not have to be at pick-up. I am now slightly overwhelmed by having taken everything off my shelves as my enthusiasm for this project has waned slightly. But then I remember: I HAVE TOMORROW!!!

Otis Redding is crooning now; before him, I was grooving to "I Will Follow Him"- you know, "I love him, I love him, I love him, and where he goes I'll follow..."

It is a beautiful day. I am psyched (as if you can't tell by all the !!!!!! and CAPS). And do you know why? Because this feels so right. I know, without doubt, that I have done better than my best for my little boys over these past seven years. I have prepared them well to venture off into a new stage. Jack is an ace at this, Oliver is excited. I am proud of them, and I'm proud of me. Cheers!