Just call me Sisyphus

Either I am a glutton for punishment or I simply needed to feel as if I were asserting some sort of control over the leaf- and art-supply-based mayhem around me, but I have spent my morning -happily so- raking leaves like mad all while they continued to fall around me and organizing crayons, markers, pens, colored pencils and assorted drawing pads and papers, knowing full well that in no world that I inhabit will the purples stay together, the greens, blues and so forth. Ah well, at least I cleaned out old pretzel crumbs from the catch-all bin. I can see my countertops, I got some exercise and spent some time outside, and I'm hosting my own MythBuster episode over here by putting crayon crumbles into a pyrex dish so that I can bake them and see if you really do get a large multicolored crayon puck or if you are simply left with a nasty mess of wax. I will let you know. If it works, I think it'll be a cool surprise for the boys. As many of us have learned, the price of a gift for kids has absolutely NO bearing on whether or not they like and play with it.

I think I'll get some lobster tails from Whole Foods today to take advantage of that good deal and actually make the Brussels sprouts slaw to go with it. Happy Friday.