Heave Ho, Komen said Go; fantastic clarification

Wow- Karen Handel has already resigned as Komen's VP of Public Policy. Talk about quick moves after a vociferous public outcry; first Brinker walks the decision back to a full reversal, and now this. Komen is having a really bad week! On another note completely, Jack has been talking a lot recently about Babe Laids, some toy about which I'd never heard. As my aural understanding of what he was saying was Babe Laid, I was certain that this was some prank foisted on him or some silly word going around the kindergarten. I mean how could a toy be named something that suggests laying babes, for christ's sakes? Turns out he was putting the second B in the wrong place in his pronunciation, and I'm the doofus who hasn't yet seen Beyblades, some spinning metal top-like toy. Thank you to the moms at pick-up this afternoon who set me straight.

I am so hungry right now. T actually has a work dinner, but I think I just have to make the French onion soup (one of his faves) anyway. It's calling to me...