Happy Earth Day, cinnamon-sugar puffs

Happy Earth Day! It is gorgeous here though unseasonably cold. My poor plants just do not know what's going on. Neither do our bodies. All four of us have varying degrees of a crappy cold. I'm starting to sound mannish, and am hoping to avoid the sinus-stuffed punch to my face complete with Hitler-like chap pattern above my upper lip. Sheesh. In any case, I hope you are able to enjoy the outdoors today. Perhaps you can play Litter Police in your neighborhood and pick up all the stray trash you see? Or work in your garden? Visit a farmers market? Drive less, bike/walk more?



We started our day with a family breakfast of these ridiculously yum cinnamon-sugar breakfast puffs (courtesy of Food52 cook, five and spice) and a big fruit salad. Then some Lego building and now the boys and T are watching some Star Wars while I tend a simmering beef stew.