Fantastic breakfast- citrus

There's something wonderful about citrus on a bleary day; its bright, crisp freshness seems to supplant some of the heaviness and glum that accompanies a day so gray you can hardly tell where the sky ends and land begins. If you've read Em-i-lis for a while now, you know how much I hate to waste the opportunity present in any meal. This morning, I couldn't decide what I wanted for breakfast, and by the time I was homing on an idea, it was time to leave for school. When O and I returned home, I immediately got out the lemon curd, intending to toast some of my bread and slather it with this lemony goodness. The stewed prunes, a half pomelo and some sour cherry spread looked good as well, and what a breakfast this all did make. I will tell you that the bread + curd was beyond divine and well worth waiting for. Next time you head to your market, grab a pomelo if they're new to you. Wonderful! It's the largest citrus fruit, has an enormously thick rind/pith and the interior looks like a grapefruit but is much less sour. Off to post the bread recipe...