Fabulous anniversary dinner at Blue Duck (and I wore "the shoes")

Last night, I donned "the shoes" (and the skirt I bought to go with them), and T whisked me downtown to Blue Duck for our 10th anniversary dinner. He'd not yet  been but based on my wildly enthusiastic reviews, was really excited. It did not disappoint! www.em-i-lis.com

I started with a glass of Moet Rosé Imperial and was reminded that truly, it is perfection in a flute. So when our waiter offered to treat me to a second glass in honor of our night, you can be sure I agreed. T, of course, started with a beer, an IPA from Port City in VA. I thought about ordering the Wagyu filet but ultimately decided on the Braised Beef Rib because the thought of fall-apart tender sounded decadent and easy. That plus a Baby Wedge with Green Goddess Dressing sounded like a winning pair, and then T and I also decided to share an order of the BD grits which drive me positively wild.


When this lovely salad arrived, I dove in, eager for a non-iceberg Wedge (bless you, Blue Duck; I can think of nothing redeeming about iceberg lettuce.) It was fresh and pretty but not great; the dressing wasn't punchy enough, and it was either too loose or the lettuce hadn't been dried quite thoroughly enough because there was a watery'ness that you just don't want in a salad. I want my dressing to enliven the foundation and fun additions and to stick right to them so that effortlessly I get the flavor in every bite.



The braised rib, on the other hand, was downright amazing. When it was placed in front of me, I told Tom, "Wow, I can't wait to make a sandwich with my leftovers tomorrow" because really, this was an eNORmous rib. I then proceeded to eat the entire thing. Literally people, the whole honking rib. With the grits. Which together was manna from heaven, albeit unbelievably rich manna. And I washed it all down with a wonderful glass of Zin from Quivira.

Meanwhile, T chose the 12-hour Suckling Pig and the Asparagus Salad with Parm, a Fried Hen Egg and Guanciale. Doesn't the latter sound outrageously good? It really was. Just delicious!



I did not photograph the suckling pig because s.p. does not make me happy. T enjoyed it immensely though he said it was rich beyond belief. And, a complete grit-skeptic, he nonetheless felt they were superb and ate his full share! And ordered a Delirium Tremens.

We were full but how we could we not have a celebratory dessert? Not least since we were having a ball and next to us was the quietest couple ever to dine together. He was so thin I thought he was a stick person, and she had enormous hair and kept looking at him as she pecked at her chicken, and I swear I'm not sure they even breathed. So I rather felt we had to have some fun for them. And we did. We ordered the Rocky Road Cookie which came warm and gooey with toasted marshmallows on top and vanilla ice cream. But our waiter also brought us a cup of cardamom-coffee (white? still) ice cream that was fabulous, and I must have one of these gelato cups because it's so appealing. We ate all of this too.


Finally we were done. We settled up with our waiter who was sort of like Stanley Tucci meets a wannabe spy (he swore six ways to Sunday that he worked for the Japanese government, couldn't say more and travels there often; his work at BD is seasonal and just for travel money. All possible of course, but T and I looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Lie.") though very nice, walked out to our car and drove home in happy satiety. There waiting for us were my sister who is so preciously pregnant with a little boy of her own and Jack who couldn't sleep. And then my parents arrived and finally we all went to bed, and I ended up moving from my bed to Jack's and then to Oliver's all before 6am and I feel like a nauseous load of dung right now but a happy one at that.

So cheers to great food and drink and happy marriages and family and friends and kids and love. Have a good one!