Cats win, psycho storm, GT Fish & Oyster

My gal posse and I have covered some miles today, of road and memories. We left Chicago at 10 this morning, heading north to start our day in Evanston with breakfast at Blind Faith Cafe, an old favorite of ours. It's still nestled on the same spot on Dempster that it always has been (at least since 1994). I walked past my old apartment, the one above the dry cleaner on the corner of Dempster and Elmwood. I've written about it before; it always had warm floors because it sat over the humming machines below, it was full of natural light, and it was on a great block of indy stores and neighborhood spots. Anyway, we walked through campus, bought new t-shirts, headed up to the stadium and to the tailgate and felt very nostalgic the whole time.

We had just gotten into the tailgate tent when the skies opened, and I mean cleaved wide open. A security guard grabbed a mic and told us we had to evacuate the tent and shelter in the building next to us. We decided to try to get a cab and bail and in the meantime scurried into an NU paraphernalia shop to escape the downpour. The emergency siren at the stadium started wailing and sounded eerily like a tornado alert. The streets were flooding, our cab finally came, other started hovering around it like vultures so we threw ourselves in and headed off.

Naps, showers, an almost meal-fail (Italian Village, WTF?!) a meal save (GT Fish and Oyster), a great night and the details tomorrow. I'm pooped!