BBs galore, and so forth

As it turned out, Oliver and I went back to the market yesterday and I bought three more pints of blueberries. He ate one, Jack ate another, we froze a ton, made a dozen blueberry muffins, four half-pints of blueberry-ginger jam and a pint of blueberry-juniper sauce that I think will be fab on grilled meats. It was a big day of BBs and I still have six pints to go. Thinking blue-barb (blueberry-rhubarb) jam later. This morning I'm teaching a canning class at Strosniders in Bethesda which I'm really looking forward to; also excited about seeing friendly faces as well as a whole host of eager new canners. Then I simply MUST hit the gym and then head to the remainder of Jack's chess tournament. I'm thanking the goddess of tired parents that the boys are spending the night with T's parents tonight.

Jack's manhood is much-improved. Has bizarre zebra stripes but he feels no pain and all plumbing is clear. He just finished reading Harry Potter, Book 1 - I am SO proud and excited, being a full-on Potterphile. Book 2 commences today.

I gotta go wash fruit. I secretly want to stay in bed playing Angry Birds and doing crossword puzzles all day.