As promised...

Oh.My.Gosh. These gougères are to die for. T is a complete convert. Here are some step-by-step pics. I don't usually dress so nicely to cook but we were just back from Contagion, and I was thirsting for these yummies. They completely hit the spot, were not hard and will definitely be made again. I love the Gruyère/Asiago/Thyme blend, and as in Louisiana cheese straws & balls, the hint of cayenne as you swallow is great. We also enjoyed some pea tendrils quick-seared in sesame oil and szechuan pepper (isn't that color green just fantastic?!), some garbanzo beans and Spanish goat cheese in Romesco, and the remaining bit of potato leek gratin. All were fab, we opened an OR Pinot to go with it all -King Estate '07- and still have time to read and head to bed. So nice.

Contagion was good, very enjoyable, but not a-maz-ing. Lots to think about though, and I'd be lying if I said we didn't talk about should we or should we not pack an emergency kit to stash away.

Tomorrow to the farmers market- I'm hoping there are still some more peaches, and we'll see what other goodies strike our fancy. And at the very least, I plan to can some Raisin-Haters Apple Chutney tomorrow. I do love raisins but whatever...

If the lovely woman I met today in the canning aisle is reading this, I hope your canning session(s) is successful and fun. I enjoyed meeting you.