Easy summer grilling

As the end of school draws near, everyone I know feels frazzled and rushed. Mealtimes, even for an avid and enthused cook like me, feel like little more than yet another to do. As such, my love affair with our grill has rekindled to a mighty degree, as it does each May, and I am reminded that grilling is really a tremendously simply, tasty way to enjoy dinner and reclaim a heck of a lot of time from its prep.

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking to Andrea Donsky, nutritionist and part of the impressive Naturally Savvy team, a website dedicated to more natural, organic eating. She's also written the book, Unjunk Your Junk Food: Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks, and is an enthusiastic spokesperson for Applegate Natural and Organic Meats

I wanted to talk to her about hot dogs, a food my children and husband love but which I hold at arm's length. I don't recall ever enjoying hot dogs, although corn dogs smothered in mustard were a youthful favorite. I happen to only buy Applegate's Great Organic Beef Hot Dog's for my family because they're antibiotic- and hormone-free and made with 100% grassfed beef which is important to me from both an animal welfare (cows were meant to eat grass, not corn and grain) and human health standpoint. Antibiotic overuse is rampant in the States and is responsible for a huge degree of the scary antibiotic-resistant bacteria that make so many folks sick. 

But, is any hot dog healthy? It seemed a good question to ask as summertime kicks in and our grill will be fired up on the regular. 

Not only are Applegate's dogs antibiotic- and hormone-free, they are also lower in fat than most brands (8 grams per dog compared to an average of 15 grams per link found in most brands), contain no fillers and are lower in sodium than other brands. Applegate also offers tasty chicken and turkey hot dogs if you want variety, prefer those flavors, or want to avoid red meat all together. 

I serve my boys' hot dogs on whole grain buns which, not surprisingly, Andrea endorses, and I use organic, low-sugar ketchup which is devoid of the high-fructose corn syrup found in most ketchup brands on the market. Andrea suggests wrapping your dogs in cabbage or lettuce leaves if you want to avoid carbs, but we are a carb-loving family so plan to stick with whole grain buns.

All in all, I do feel better about the health aspects of the dogs I'll be grilling my boys this summer. Slice a few steam vents in the top before grilling, and don't let the dogs burn as char can contain carcinogenic material. Grilling a hot dog takes about three minutes, and with some fresh watermelon or berries, and boiled corn on the cob, tossed salad, or steamed edamame (also about three minutes each to prep), you've got a healthy summer dinner lickety-split.

Other favorite grill-based meals include pizza loaded up with summer veggies; 
grilled hamburgers (regular beef, turkey, these delicious chicken ones, or my kofta variety);
salmon burgers which are easy and sublime;
and grilled vegetables of all stripes - eggplant, zucchini, sweet onions, yellow squash...

Lemony Chicken Burgers

People, I love nature more than the average bear, but I just had to go outside and have words with a crow. The MOST annoying, caw-happy crow I've ever shared space with. Fortunately, he didn't seem to like me yelling at him so has left our yard which has left me with a profound sense of gratitude. It's the little things. I have a mahvelous new burger recipe for you; those of you who, like me, don't eat or enjoy beef burgers (I just don't; I'm not even sorry; It's just a fact of my life.) will be happy to find that the protein is chicken and that these are moist and tender as get out. I don't enjoy the word 'moist' either but it fits the bill here, and no one wants dry food, so yay.

This burger was inspired by a southwestern turkey burger recipe I love which includes crumbled blue corn chips and chili peppers and the Aleppo pepper-yogurt chicken kebab recipe I discovered and made and loved last month. To start, I minced some preserved lemon, diced some onion and tossed those with minced garlic, olive oil and salt. I let that mull together for about ten minutes while I made a mint-Aleppo yogurt sauce, heated the grill and got my ground chicken ready. When the lemony onion mix had softened, I mixed into it the chicken and yogurt sauce, shaped the mound into individual patties and grilled.

The mixture will seem loose because of the yogurt. However, if your grill is nice and hot, you won't lose a bit and what results is a wildly tender, not a dry bit in sight, burger. If you like a slightly denser patty because you find it easier to handle or because you want things to firm up a bit more, add a couple tablespoons fresh breadcrumbs. Both versions are delicious. I know this because I made and tried both!

I slicked my bun with leftover arugula-mint mayo from yesterday (made that for the lima bean hummus burgers!), arugula, tomato and a scant bit of good mustard. The lemon is pronounced, the Aleppo gives a faint kick at the end and the final package is downright happy-making, especially if you pour a glass of sweet tea to wash everything down. #summer

