In which Kim Trump-mugabe baby leads the country

Today, I am furious. I am furious squared infinity times which makes me what? What is beyond furious? Vehemently furious? Rabid? Wrathful? 

Come to think of it, wrathful might just hit the mark. It sounds straight up, "Bitch, don't even mess with me. I'm positively stabby right now." Which is rather accurate. 

I am very tired. I'm still not 100% well, and darling Oliver has been sick since Sunday which is, incidentally, when Tom left for a four day business trip. Today I stepped in a pile of puke. There were four piles, two of the feline persuasion and two of the human kind. I stepped in the latter. It wasn't nice. Despite that...

My wrath is wholly directed at the Vulgar Yam and the fact that he seems to think we are a satanic hybrid of North Korea and any other given dictatorship. Let's say Russia. It's like a le Carré novel met an Atwood novelless and they had a baby in a hospital run by Kim Jong-un and then adopted the baby to Robert Mugabe. 

Legit, we now seem to live in a country run by that baby. Who is, by the way, still a baby. A mad, spoiled, uneducated baby stamping his feet and fists about how many people attended his birthday party. He has no friends so there weren't many, but I'ma tell you what, that is an unacceptable fact and so it's a lie. 

You may think you attended that party and witnessed the non-existent crowd. You might have even snapped a few pics, just for shits and giggles. But those are actually fake because millions of illegal aliens voted and said they are.

Averred Kim Trump-mugabe baby.

Kim Trump-mugabe baby then told everyone who could have possibly taken a picture at his (poorly-attended) party, and everyone who might have been texted a picture of the empty musical chairs, and anyone they might even know that they better Right now. Meanwhile, Kim Trump-mugabe baby declared the day a National Day of Patriotic Devotion.

Meanwhile, Kim Trump-mugabe baby tried to color a picture, but no one could tell what his subject was. Are those trees? Is it an abstract? Is it derivative Pop Art? Kim Trump-mugabe baby was so enraged that no one knew he'd drawn a gilded mansion that he tore his picture up and abolished anything supporting the arts and humanities.

"If these bigly idiots can't see my UGE gilded manshun for what it is -UNPRESIDENTED genius work, by the way- then they're done. They're over."

Kim Trump-mugabe baby sprayed his bouffant comb over back into turban-in-the-wind place and thought. Well, he sat and watched TV. He watched a reality show of his creation and told his inflatable plastic friend how honered he was that someone wrote a show about his greatness.

In his "mind" something about women marching and not wanting him to grab their pussies without asking starts to swirl. He becomes incensed again, but having already torn his drawing to shreds, he instead calls two acquaintances: Carlsbad, NM, City Councilor, JR Doporto, and Mississippi Senator, Chris McDaniel.

JR says, "Donnie," those women "have a right to be slapped" if they protest you. 

"Oh, OK, JR," blabs Kim Trump-mugabe baby. "That's good."

Chris says, "Trumpy baby, those are just unhappy liberal bitches. Answer me this: 'if they can afford all those piercings, tattoos, body paintings, signs, and plane tickets, then why do they want us to pay for their birth control?'"*

"There are so many words in your question, Chris. I just don't know the answer or the words or what it all means." replies Donnie.

"That's OK, Donnie, you don't need to." Just say that your inauguration was bigger and also illegal alien voters.

"Ok, Chris. I'm gonna go nominate someone for something now. I heard something about how we don't have any ambassadors in place, and I need some connections overseas. I wanna build a new Trump Tower. It's gonna be the best ever. UGE. Maybe in GINA. Chris? Chris? Are you there?"

*MS senator, Chris McDaniel, actually wrote that sentence (and many other fine gems) on his Facebook page two days after the Women's March. Classy guy.

THIS is what democracy looks like!

Chants of "This is what democracy looks like! This is what equality looks like! This is what feminism looks like!" rang throughout downtown DC today as hundreds of thousands of women, men, and children marched on Washington. Pussyhats in every shade of pink spangled the crowd, while a vast array of sharp, creative signs bounced up and down like so many babies on mamas' hips. 

Over the past few days, it came to pass that my undergraduate thesis advisor decided to march in DC rather than St. Louis (she now teaches at Wash U). Marie was one of the best professors I had at Northwestern, a powerful, inspiring role model, and a sharp-as-a-tack woman with a real wit. She came into my life as I was really starting to figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. To this day I am grateful for her presence during those years.

We have stayed in touch over the years, at times more regularly than others as happens with lives and children and moves, and the spot in my heart she stole back in 1996 has remained hers. So it goes without saying that when I offered her a place to stay while she was here for the march and she said, "I'd love that." I was thrilled. It'd been about fourteen years since we'd last seen each other.

This morning, as we donned our pussyhats, gathered up our signs, water bottles, snacks, and phone chargers, and headed to catch our bus with a thousand other supporters of Congressman Raskin (MDs 8th!), it occurred to me that participating in the Women's March with a woman who played such a role in the development of my self as woman was extraordinarily meaningful

As Marie and I marched, every bit of the heartbreak and sadness I struggled with yesterday was replaced today with hope. With the aggregate hope and determination and strength and fire of people who are appropriately outraged and disgusted and who know that we must be and are better than the petty, ignorant, pathetic, yappy toddler the electoral college elected.

The crowd, more than double what the organizers expected, was...gosh, words almost fail me right now. A huge, teeming mass of people with signs, strollers, even dogs, was polite, generous, friendly, determined. They were from all over this country, they were straight, gay, trans, they were young, old, black, white, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, progressive Christian, atheist. There was not a hint of violence or bad behavior (other than the Trump supporter who was sternly reprimanded). There was respect. They were happy. Together we felt hope.

Because hundreds of thousands turned out, we filled the march route without moving. The same was true in Chicago. The marching part of the march was called off. We became, instead, a glorious free-form rally, covering the Mall and blocks of Independence and Constitutions Avenues among many others. 

EXTREME hat tip to Chang W. Lee of the NY Times; please don't mind that I borrowed your gorgeous photograph (but of course if you do, I'll take it down.)Women's March in DC

EXTREME hat tip to Chang W. Lee of the NY Times; please don't mind that I borrowed your gorgeous photograph (but of course if you do, I'll take it down.)
Women's March in DC

The real work begins tomorrow. The hope will at times be hard to maintain in the face of lies about inauguration crowd sizes and attempts to fully discredit the press, further investigation into Trump-Putin collaboration and the clown car of cabinet nominees bumbling through their hearings. In the face of the misogynistic backlash of tweets that has already begun. I pity and am sickened by those deplorable men, but their pathetic words can't diminish the joy and awe and anticipation I felt today.

In some way, I believe the outpouring of righteous reaction today changed the course of things (I hope, I think), started to right our dangerously listing ship. I am grateful to the organizers of the march, to everyone who either marched today or were with us in spirit, who knitted and shipped us pussyhats, who made signs, who inspired signs, who organized the more than 670 sister events both nationally and and internationally who remained calm and warm and dignified and strong.

We are the resistance! And we are on the right side of history.

The Women's March on Washington

Not much better but I will march as long as my stamina allows.

Tramp: Make Russia Great Again

Tramp: Make Russia Great Again

I imagine those last two need no explaining.

Today was heartbreaking. That not an hour after the inauguration, had deleted its Climate Change, LGBTQ Rights, and Civil Rights pages is both appalling and scary. Trump has already issued an executive order repealing a mortgage-fee reduction — geared at helping first-time and low-income home buyers- that President Obama issued last week. Snopes has already issued rebuttals against Trumper claims that the inauguration was "hugely attended" today. It was not. If you see pictures of big crowds and blue skies, they're lies. Today was rainy and gray, overcast the ENTIRE day, and all reputable crowd checkers put today's crowd at under a million. That's less than half the number that attended Obama's first inauguration. 

I send a big hug to all who feel the complete discomfort that I do. Let's fight!