Four days

This was the best find two days ago. I was, and continue to be, Maude. Without apology, but with appreciation for relocating cats and teaching pigeons to shit on pedestrians (of certain stripes).

I feel this is 100% true.

I feel this is 100% true.

Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are about 50% moved into their darling rental home, have flown back to Louisiana to vote proudly for Biden/Harris, and are really such troopers.

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Jack and Ol are eager for Halloween; both are participating in our neighborhood’s socially-distant, individually-wrapped-treat festivities tomorrow. After angstily detailing my kitchen cabinets today, bringing Mom and Dad to the airport, getting Ol off to school for the first time since March 13, and angstily detailing the interior of my fridge, I began obsessively, perhaps angstily, creating a bespoke Han Solo a la Solo belt and holster for Ol to wear for Halloween tomorrow. He is, as you have surmised, going as Han Solo from Solo: a Star Wars story. Jack is some character from some video game and it involves a suit and a mustache and a bullet-proof vest. #IDon’tKnow

Anyway, I guess I just needed more to obsess about as my NC voter hotline shifts got canceled (so many volunteers! yay!), so I ordered random shit from Michael’s for curbside pick-up and then got busy. I am extremely pleased so far as I really cannot even sew a new button onto anything that is then worn.

the real deal, my attempt

the real deal, my attempt

Tomorrow I will add snaps and figure out how to fully attach the holster to the belt and so forth, but it’s all leather and hand-sewn so I imagine it’ll last at least until next Halloween. Fingers crossed.


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

(Can you even imagine what it would be like to sleep well and read books -actually read them- and not be freaking out all the time? I am losing the sense of what that would be like, so again, VOTE BLUE!)

17 September 2020: Some uplifting news

I have no uplifting news about Lake Charles, BUT I do have some positive feedback about political fundraising.

I assumed I’d miss the Flip the Senate event I got to co-host because it occurred while I was in Louisiana, but fortunately, my phone had enough cellular service that Mom and I snuggled in bed and Zoomed in. It was such a fabulous event. More than 1,100 blue supporters tuned in and raised over $200,000 for the Jaime Harrison, Theresa Greenfield, Steve Bullock, and Barbara Bollier campaigns. It was such an inspiring event- we were especially fired up to hear from Jaime and Theresa.

A week later, Tom and I realized we’d both donated to the “Princess Bride Live Read” fundraiser for the Wisconsin Dems. Every original cast member who is still alive, minus Fred Savage, agreed to participate, and the replacement cast for those no longer with us, like Andre the Giant, were terrifically filled (Josh Gad played Fezzik). Tom and I and the boys were still in the midst of the nail-biter US Open men’s final when the show began. So we toggled back and forth for a bit, increasingly immersed in the utterly delightful cast party that was this read-through. As it turned out, thousands upon thousands of folks logged on to watch, and despite the fits and starts of bandwidth and location challenges, it turned out to be the ultimate escapist event of joy, nostalgia, teamwork and memory. And, it raised more than $4.25 MILLION. Mandy Patinkin, oh my heart. He was sweating as he reprised Inigo Montoya.


The very next night was the monthly NOPE Neighbors meeting. Each meeting welcomes at least one current candidate for a red-to-blue flippable district, encourages generous donation to said candidate and their co-ballot peers, and educates out the wazoo. Last month we raised more than $20,000 in short order for Elissa Slotkin and the MI slate. But at THIS month’s meeting with Hiral Tiperneni (AZ-6) and Marc Elias of Democracy Docket, we raised more than $75,000 for a large slate of candidates PLUS a slate of protect the vote efforts.

Because, HELLO! We desperately need to protect the vote and go blue. So, give what you can, volunteer, engage, help, vote, work at the polls. PLEASE. Everything depends on it.

31 May 2020: The country burns

I am in my backyard getting spectacularly drunk. I have worked my ass off today, largely to process the burning, quaking fire I feel inside every time I look at the news. America is burning, and our “president” and his people are useless, loathsome, abhorrent, vile, deplorable specks of toxic mold gleefully, ignorantly throwing fuel on the pyre of our country.

I am so thankful to all the people marching for justice, despite enormous threats to their own safety. The NY and Minneapolis police departments are OUT OF CONTROL. Protect and serve, my ass. If you haven’t watched footage from MN and NY from the weekend, gird yourselves, sit down, and tune in.

I implore you to listen. LISTEN. Don’t make it about you. Don’t make equivalencies. Just listen. And then figure out how you can do something to make change.

If you need a lighter moment, I offer you this two-legged cat who is a despair antidote.