Birthday menu

I forgot to describe the menu I've planned for Tom's birthday dinner tomorrow! It's going to be ridiculous if I say so myself: lightly grilled seafood sausage in a beurre blanc sauce (I had this at Chanterelle, the Tribeca/NYC institution that -sadly- closed in 2009, years ago and have never forgotten it; ordered the cookbook just to make this for T), truffled grilled cheese on brioche with creamy tomato soup, roasted asparagus and some dessert in which I hope to incorporate blood oranges. T is a chocolate fiend but after such a rich meal, I suspect he'll be relieved by a lighter dessert! Doesn't that all sound insane? I bought all the seafood and other ingredients today and will, therefore, be in the kitch most of tomorrow. Here's hoping for good light which means good photographic evidence, an easy day all around, and a tasty meal to ring in T's next year.