Book read, dinner made, baseball game almost won, Real Time's back!

Y'all! I actually finished a book last night: Unorthodox can be moved to the Has Been Read shelf. Amazing! I couldn't have enjoyed it more. Feldman's writing is honest and compelling, drawing me in and leaving a lasting sense of "oh, man" when I closed the back cover: "a good one done." I reviewed some of the negative reviews today and found many of them to be vaguely considered at best. One suggested Feldman had fictionalized most of the manuscript but offered no source or way of authenticating that claim. In any case, I found it to be a brave book, an open consideration of the strengths (not as many) and weaknesses (quite a few) of the insular community in which she was raised. If you believe in Feldman's portrayal, it's also an incredibly sexist and misogynistic society. I do recommend this read! Towards the end of my writing class this afternoon (as we're all over the country, we call in twice-monthly via uberconference), Jack came down to the basement, clad in his Blue Devils team baseball uniform, to kiss my goodbye. He and Tom were headed off to Game 2 of the fall season, and my darling blond pencil looked so handsome and old-school baseball sweet. He scored a run, knocked in another and came home exuberant from his team's most serious almost-win. In the meantime, I wrapped up a wonderful "class-time" with my group, read the entire Otis series to Oliver, tucked him in and got dinner started.

My fagiole umido was just not nearly as wonderful as Ghibellina's, but I will admit that my fresh flat beans were perfectly cooked. The last of summer's cantaloupe was a second side, and excellently salt-and-pepper crusted steaks were the main. I wasn't much in the mood for la boeuf tonight but enjoyed my veggie sides and leftover blackberry-peach crisp enormously. And the cream? Bill Maher was back as of Friday. Yay! Yay!

Back to the Farmers Market

Tom and Jack decided to do yard work and play catch this morning, so Oliver and I headed off to the farmers market. It's a gorgeous day; a perfect Advent of Fall type. We donned pants and long sleeve shirts and made our way to Dupont. Oliver beelined to the popsicle stand, and although he was disappointed that chongos wasn't on the menu, he quickly reframed and ordered a ginger peach. Remnants of summer produce intermingled with fall's bounty. "Last week for peaches" signs urged final purchases while all manner of beans and squash popped up next to them. As the boys have been studying rattlesnakes together, Ol and I were excited to discover rattlesnake beans and quickly snapped up a bag. I also got some flat beans too, with the memory of Ghibellina's fagiole umido dancing in the back of my mind, two quarts of sungold tomatoes (probably the last of the year), yellow romas to make sauce, some more rhubarb, fresh burrata and creme fraiche, the boys' favorite cheeses, radishes, a variety of peppers including paper lantern, hatch and ancho, fresh ginger and garlic, beef sticks, and on and on I think.

Once home, the boys ate beef sticks and marble cheese while I made a fagiole umido with mint, eggplant and capers. It'll be part of our dinner tonight, and I can't wait. Off to the gym, writing class, #donewiththeweekend

Wine night is a'coming!