Take-out tonight- for real, recipes page a'coming

While I rallied last night and took the pantry challenge, I'm not feeling that I'll summon the energy to do so tonight. Difference? No school today and thusly, a full day with the kiddos. They are dolls but damnation, they are kinetic balls of verbiage. T and I are on the up but still running at just about 50%. I managed to get my productivity fix by slogging through yoga (after which I had to nap) and cleaning all the baseboards in the basement and the stairs leading to it with a rag and Q tips. Ol helped me, and actually it was quite nice. Just as I roast vegetables at the first hint of fall, I start nesting like a loon when I sense spring is near. Back to dinner though, there'll be no cooking tonight. I rather miss it but I'm trying to not only know but also respect my limits. The recipes page is coming along- it's definitely a time-consuming pursuit to transfer them all to the new format, but how delightful to look back through this first (almost) year of Em-i-lis. My anniversary is in less than a month. Although we'll be in Italy visiting my sis and her new fiance (finally! we've not been there in 4 years!) when the day rolls around, I'll nonetheless be finding ways to cook, shop at local markets and enjoy mouthwatering meals and telling you all about it all.