USq Greenmarket

First things first this morning, and it was out for coffee, Everyman Espresso on 13th (yum and devoid of hipster coffee snobbery), and breakfast at the Greenmarket. I bought a piece of Hungarian cherry cake, some ground cherry tomatoes (a husked variety), and some parcel of neatly wrapped leaves whose name I've completely forgotten.

Tom bought a second bag of the best pretzels ever while I: oohed and aahed like a happy baby over the flowers; lusted over the endless varieties of beans, tomatoes, eggplant and so forth; and snuck a purchase of two pounds of Italian prune plums and some Shiros (how in god's name I'm going to lug all this home, via Broadway tomorrow, is tbd). Hey, I was inspired.

We are soon heading off to Brooklyn, stopping in Fort Greene to join up with a foodie friend pen pal of mine that I've never met in person: Suzanne of the chicken and dumplings, pasta piselli (I've made and gone nuts about both) and spiced plum cobbler that is high on my list of to-trys. She will guide is through the Brooklyn Flea for lunch and fun, and I absolutely cannot wait!