Savory dinner tart

I was seized with desire for a savory dinner tart tonight, concurrent with my need/interest in using up some ingredients in my fridge. Lovely broccoli? You cannot go to waste. Fennel, you are starting to look slightly sad. Young goat cheese, what aren't you good with? (Egads, I ended that with a preposition; forgive me.) So, I made a whole wheat crust and split the fat difference between butter and olive oil. Then, I steamed the broccoli until just tender and bright green, fried some bacon, sauteed slivered fennel with garlic and then deglazed with a bit of Cognac, quickly seared some shrimp, mixed it all together with the cheese and dumped it into the crust. The crust was just a touch too crumbly, but overall, this was absolutely what I had in mind. It was so good, so comforting, indulgent yet healthy. I will surely go to bed happy and sated. Do you know that tomorrow I have precisely one to-do? Marvelous. Thank god! shrimp, broccoli, fennel and bacon tart