Recycling tidbit, day-o-baking!

Hello DC and Montgomery-county jammers! Good news! If you didn't already know, you can recycle the lids from your jars of jam. You know, the Ball or Kerr ones, aluminum with a rubber gasket? They can only be used once anyway, so unless you're saving them for reasons other than preservation, toss them in your blue recycling bin. A dear reader, Liz, has confirmed for MC, and I via DC Dept of Public Works. If y'all have good city-wide recycling programs, it's likely you can recycle yours too; if you're unsure, don't hesitate to ask your city service. Today is beautiful, and since returning home from a school meeting, I've happily ensconced myself in my kitchen, cooking and baking away. A walnut-cinnamon coffee cake is all wrapped up, an apple cake is in the oven now. 18 scrumptious brownies are plated, the boxes of jam are towering on my table. Red beans are in the fridge, pecan-oatmeal and blackberry pies sit at the ready. I'm so excited for the Arts Market tomorrow. Thank you, Circle Yoga, for hosting this wonderful event again.