Lovely morning for the market

It is such a pretty day here. We DC-area folks needed it, so thanks to the weather gods for a lovely atmosphere outside. I had no takers for my invite to join me at the farmers market earlier so enjoyed a quiet hour there by my lonesome. Bliss. It's smaller this time of year, both in purveyors and patrons, but I like it. You can take it all in in a slightly more relaxed way, you've got a bit more space in which to move and observe. I headed first to Eco Friendly Foods for some chicken breasts, but found that the stores are empty, not to be replenished until the spring chickens are ready in March. I love these reminders of the natural order of things, adherence to organic cycles of life rather than ones we impose for our convenience. I'm happy to wait another month really and was happy my lack of luck in things chicken forced my eyes to take in and consider the other offerings.

Smoked turkey breast? Love it and will take two packs. Real tasso ham??? Do mine eyes deceive me? What a find; it's not easy to procure tasso outside of Louisiana so my jambalayas are always slightly less than authentic. I make do with smoked andouille but tasso, a spicy smoked pork made from the shoulder butt of a hog, is the real deal and I snatched up a fat chunk. The woman helping me, who had lived in Louisiana for a number of years, said it was super authentic, and I'm really looking forward to trying it. I also picked up some smoked ham hocks -red beans and rice, peeps!- and this gorgeous cured pork belly and some bacon. I must have looked like Mrs. Pig, but it's exciting to find a spread of best-quality, specific products like this. Once again, a big thanks to Eco Friendly!


cured pork belly

Next to Bonaparte for some beautiful bread, then to the kinda scary apple lady for a big haul of her pommes. She's strict but does have a great variety, and the pink ladies today were absolutely delish.

bonaparte bread

Some golden beets here, a watermelon radish there, a head of radicchio...all the while a lovely composed salad was taking shape in my mind. So, we'll see where all this leads tonight, but for now, off to class.