It's a'cookin

I cut the loin down the middle but not all the way through so that I could open it like a book. Then, I mixed together bleu cheese, crumbled walnuts and chopped dried figs, seasoned the pork well with salt and pepper, and spread the cheese mixture on top leaving a 1" border at one end. Then I rolled the loin up, tied it shut and cut 7 slits all around it, into which I inserted 2 slivered garlic cloves. This is an old trick of my mom's and it infuses the meat nicely with the scent and mild flavor of garlic. Next you want to brown your loin well, so I heated up some canola oil in a skillet with a cover and browned the loin well on all sides.

Following the browning, I removed the loin to a work surface and topped it with the quince-persimmon-ginger spread. I poured out all the excess fat from the pan and then into it put slivered onions, the lady apples and the stuffed loin. 

Next, I poured some chicken stock in, covered the skillet and popped it into the oven at 375. So far, so good!