Dining al fresco

Eating outside in the right weather is such a lovely activity. Last night, my mom newly arrived and the sun setting just enough to provide a vague coolness to ease in, we set our deck table and served things family style: corn on the cob; panzanella (an Italian bread salad); mozzarella with tomatoes, basil and peppery oil; and some utterly unremarkable white wine which we all agreed should never have been bottled nor ever drunk again. Do NOT, I beg of you, purchase The Royal chenin blanc from S. Africa. Mom and Elia picked it up last week, and it's absolutely flabby rubbish. www.em-i-lis.com

Bygones, the dinner was so nice, and had I not eaten the rest of the plum tart as my afternoon snack, I know others would have enjoyed it for dessert. Tonight, T and I get to go out to dinner and stay at a hotel downtown, our anniversary present from my family. Doesn't that sound fabulous?!?! #feellucky