Beets recipe posted, kinda slow today, brussels sprouts a'coming

I just posted the Beets in Orange Cream recipe from last night (my adaptation + the original for lime cream). That was really a good dish, such a unique way to prepare beets. That was a big wine with scallops and veggies, and while I did persevere and go to Pilates this morning, I am feeling a bit tired. It didn't help that Jack crawled in bed with us at 5, and from 5:30a-6:10a, Oliver screamed MOMMY at the top of his lungs. They have been off schedule since Halloween. Whoa.

Today I intend to make a fabulous Brussels sprouts slaw with candied pecans and mustard vinaigrette, but I'm not sure what'll follow. Yesterday was quite a productive day of cooking so I might ease off this afternoon.